Inspired by Nature



Nice to have you here and thank you for taking the  time to engage with our blog. This writing is for you: 

  • All of you who are curious about incorporating nature-inspired design in your homes, workplaces, and schools. 

  • All of you who feel the pull to nature and are seeking to reconnect to it, even whilst living in cities, inside apartments. 

  • All of you who - like yours truly - are turning their homes into literal botanical gardens, AS WELL AS those who are seeking to reconnect with nature indirectly, because - for some reason - you cannot have live plants or own pets. 

  • All of you who want to geek-out with us on the topic of biophilic design, and dig deeper into the science and evidence. 

And finally…

  • All of you who seek to create harmonious, calming and nurturing  environments that positively impact your well-being. Places of refuge in the modern world. 

No matter where you live and what you do, there are simple ways to incorporate nature-inspired design into your surroundings. Some pretty obvious (think live plants), others more novel (circadian lighting solutions). 

In these posts, we will guide you through the practice of nature-inspired or biophilic design, dig deeper into this and various related topics, unpack the research behind it, and have some fun along the way.

Let’s get started. Here we go!

Ewa Podgorska